Really – this is the perfect time to think about your swimming pool! You remember our hot summer 2015, right? Whether you’ve never had a swimming pool before and want one or you need to replace one or get a new liner, now is the time to plan your construction project.
- Pool Liners
- Above Ground Swimming Pools
- Safety Covers
- Pool Heaters
Just like any landscaping or outdoor home improvement project, the sooner you get on your builder’s list, the sooner you get the project done. And, swimming pool projects are among the most weather-sensitive! Fact 1 – Builders typically can’t start until the ground dries out and the temperatures reach into the mid-60’s. Fact 2 – Most people want their pool open by Memorial Day.
The reality? Builders probably can’t start until mid-April and oftentimes the weather isn’t reliable enough until mid- to late-May. No matter what anybody tells you, very few pool and pool liner projects in the Laurel Highlands/Somerset/Johnstown/Ebensburg areas will get completed by May 31.
So, the early slots are A) few, and B) precious – probably no more than about 6 projects will be fully completed by Memorial Day. And, that’s if your builder can start mid-April.
The sooner you get on your builder’s list, the more likely you will be open Memorial Day. That 1/2 dozen early slots are going to go fast. For most builders, many slots may already be taken!
So, get your project started now! Come in now to get your early construction/renovation slot.
844 Scalp Ave (near Harbor Freight-Altmeyer’s-Corner Coffee Shoppe) – 814-266-2236 – Johnstown – Richland Township
Monday-Friday 10-6, Saturday 10-2. (must include name, phone number, address) for more info.