Lehmann Pools & Spas is your Poolife® and Zappit73™ Headquarters

We’ve got you covered with the highest strength pool Chlorine you can buy!  From 1 pound bags up to 100 pound drums including Poolife® TurboShock™ (78%) and Zappit73™ (73%) – you can’t get stronger stuff anywhere.2015_04_21__8670 2015_04_21__8671 2015_04_21__8682 2015_04_21__8690

Clear you pool quickly and keep it sanitized and safe with help from Lehmann Pools & Spas.

Lehmann Pools & Spas is proud to service and sell Heat Siphon heat pumps.  Bulletproof, the best warranty in the business, and super energy efficient; Heat Siphon heat pumps will usually pay for themselves in 2-3 years with your energy savings!

We are your exclusive Laurel Highlands Heat Siphon dealer.  And, we service them, too.  But, sadly, you probably will never call us for service – they are that reliable.  http://www.heatsiphon.com/2013_10_05__4149

Whether you need parts or help with funky pool water, we’ve got you covered.  #SummerIsHereHelp Desk for Water Parts Desk

Whatever your swimming pool plumbing needs we can help.  Lehmann Pools & Spas features the largest selection of parts, pipe, adapters, fittings, and other plumbing supplies in the Laurel Highlands.  Visit us on Scalp Avenue.  Open Memorial Day 11 – 2.  266-2236.2015_05_11__8786 2015_05_11__8785 2015_05_11__8780

Traveling this weekend?  You will be joining 37.2 million people clogging roads, trains, and airports.  Make your backyard a staycation paradise – with help from Lehmann Pools & Spas.  #Staycation!  #Easy!JM Ad June 2015 Java 1 Hartley 1 2015_04_21__8674 11142433_821386454563846_2103869828711198013_n