The Latest NSPF® Blog (Read It Here) talks about making sure pool light installations are up to code (the National Electric Code) to prevent needless death and injury.

But the same holds true in your liner pool, along with other equipment installations, not just lights.  Bonding (with which most local dealers and installers seem to know quite little) and grounding apply to anything pertaining to your swimming pool.  Make sure your new pump, heater, heat pump, lights, ladders, and slides are properly done by hiring a quality contractor trained in the subject.  Make sure your contractor insists you have a qualified electrical contractor inspect your project to ensure the safety of your family and friends when they use your pool.

As NSPF® Instructors, we can help you get your project done correctly – and to code.  Get it done right!  Choose the right installer, not the cheapest.

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Pennsylvania Pool Operators – 2 opportunities for training – pre-registration required.

814-266-2236 for more info.

  • Initial Pesticide Applicator certification prep course – January 12, 2016.
    • Re-cert credits available if you need them (required every 3 years)
  • PA Pesticide Recertification – March 2, 2016.
  • NSPF®CPO® – Full Couse – March 1 & 2, 2016  (Certification valid for 5 years)
    • Re-cert review & testing March 2, 2016.

Pool Op TrngPA Pest Class Flyer Jan 2016CPO Flyer Mar 2016