Well – we heard it again from a facility – and we hear it all the time: “For 9 years since I got here, it wasn’t a problem.  Now all of a sudden it is.”

While the standards for pool care haven’t changed much, the Pennsylvania Department of Health has stepped up enforcement of aquatic facility regulations.  They have discovered many situations where operators have been caring for their facilities incorrectly for a long time.  In many cases, this was because of improper or inadequate training and “rule of thumb” practices that were incorrect.  Sometimes, pool suppliers and dealers were the sources of bad information, too. 

We hear many situations where “it was never a problem and now it is.”  Well, it was a problem; it’s just the facility was never caught – because it was never adequately inspected.  It’s proof that “experience” alone is not a measure of correct performance.

Lehmann Pools & Spas invests heavily in training to ensure we have the latest in regulatory and technical knowledge.  In fact, we are certified facility operator instructors.  When you choose Lehmann Pools & Spas for service, you can be assured we will have the latest knowledge and training to ensure you will be fully in compliance with all applicable regulations.

Improper operation of facilities can result in significant liability for their owners.  We’ll help you manage your risk and assure you that you will operate a safe and compliant facility.  And, since we’re a year-round operation, so you can call us anytime for assistance with critical issues.

The Latest NSPF® Blog (Read It Here) talks about making sure pool light installations are up to code (the National Electric Code) to prevent needless death and injury.

But the same holds true in your liner pool, along with other equipment installations, not just lights.  Bonding (with which most local dealers and installers seem to know quite little) and grounding apply to anything pertaining to your swimming pool.  Make sure your new pump, heater, heat pump, lights, ladders, and slides are properly done by hiring a quality contractor trained in the subject.  Make sure your contractor insists you have a qualified electrical contractor inspect your project to ensure the safety of your family and friends when they use your pool.

As NSPF® Instructors, we can help you get your project done correctly – and to code.  Get it done right!  Choose the right installer, not the cheapest.

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“Stronger regulation will improve safety.” “This law will keep kids safe.” “Hiring more inspectors will improve safety.”

A recent press release from the CDC proves that safety seems to be just a buzzword in the Aquatics industry. http://www.cdc.gov/media/releases/2016/p0519-public-pools.html. In 5 of the most heavily regulated and frequently inspected states, 80% of facilities had at least one violation. 1 in 8 had “Immediate closure” violations. We know the industry can do far better – not through more regulation, but with the cooperation of operators and facility managers.

Safety comes through a system of multiple processes that work to make sure no single pathway exists that allows problems to go uncorrected. Safety starts with high standards – regulatory codes and industry standards.   Those standards must be followed by multiple layers, multiple checks, procedures, inspections and audits so that no single point of failure progresses to the point of violation, or worse – injury or death.

As a facility operator, it is imperative that you use a systems approach to build adequate layers to recognize deviations, catch errors, and mitigate unsafe situations rapidly – as soon as they occur. Your process must be a 360° process involving operations, finance, logistics, and executive and must include every employee level in your facility to ensure proper plan design and buy-in. It is a written plan – editable, of course, but written.

Layers include:

  • Operator and management training
  • Operating rules
  • Checklists
  • Maintenance procedures and checks
  • Qualification of facility repair personnel
  • Facility “re-open” process
  • Reporting process
  • Recordkeeping
  • Facility audits
    • Internal
    • External

Robust planning and process review will ensure your facility never has a situation that escalates to the point of violation. We recommend taking advantage of programs like those offered by the National Swimming Pool Foundation (NSPF®) to design your facility’s management system. As NSPF® Instructors, Lehmann Pools & Spas can help.

Pool Operator Class