It’s Sunday! I’m shoveling snow, so …….
We’re OPEN a few hours today if you need SALT or ICE MELTERS in the Johnstown area. Stay off the Hill – conveniently located at 844 Scalp Ave near Harbor Freight – Altmeyer’s – Dollar General – Corner Coffee Shoppe
If you see the OPEN Sign – We’re OPEN!
Lehmann Pools & Spas’ ad in today’s Tribune Democrat:
We are stocked! Ice Melters in stock! Safer than Salt – our Ice Melters work better and are safe for concrete.
10-6 today (Friday)
10-2 tomorrow (Saturday)
It’s a Lousy Day for Swimming
Why Not Buy Pool Stuff
10%-30% Off regular in-season pricing. All for being nutty and buying it now! Thru Feb 19.
It Reeeee-diculous!
We recently watched the trending topic of the heart-warming story of an on-line retailer whose advice to a customer who wanted to return a coat she had purchased to which the retailer said, “donate it.”
That said:
When you buy in your community, who benefits?
You benefit, too. If you’ve chosen your local retailer carefully, you get expert knowledge. You get help making sure the product you are buying is the right one for you. And a quality retailer helps you after the sale – especially if there’s a problem.
So buying locally, from a quality retailer, has all kinds of benefits to you, your family, neighbors, friends, and your community. The benefits are magnified, just by buying from your neighbor’s business. There is a real ROI!
Buying on-line? Who benefits there? You get something cheap – but, who’s benefited?
We’d suggest there is quite a bit more benefit to visiting your locally owned retailer than there is buying from an on-line retailer. We are serious about #buylocal and #shopsmall.
Who thinks about their swimming pool in January?
It’s Reeeee-diculous! (But, if you do, you save BIG!)
• Hayward® Heaters
• Hayward® energy efficient Heat Pumps
• Hayward® Pumps…
• Hayward® Filters
• Hayward® Chlorinators
• Hayward® selected Parts
814-266-2236. Order & Pay by Feb 19. #BuyEarly #Sale #Save #BuyLocal